our story
So, how did we begin?! Well, Samuelsons Of Witney was founded in 2010 after Jonathan, who you’ll later come to know as The Fizzacist, was made redundant from his job in the Security/IT industry.
He decided that he wasn’t going to go back to working for another company, he’d been there and done that, and realised that he wanted a complete change.
“I’ve never forgotten the times as a child, when my Aunt Florence made my brother, sister and myself, jugs of fresh lemonade on her Aga - I’d never be able to replicate the flavour, even though I must have tasted dozens of ‘lemonades’ - so I wondered if there was a market for the most authentic lemonade that could be made.”
After having brief discussions with his local ‘good food farm’, it was jump in at the deep end and either sink or swim. With only a little money saved for a conservatory and some savings, it was going to be tough, but there was a belief that customers would willingly pay a little more for something really special. And special it certainly is.
The ethos used when making our signature Proper Strong Lemonade was, like the ingredients, simple: it must be real, it must be true to the flavour of home-made lemonade, and we must be proud to stand behind it. The could be no second best.
After the successful launch of Proper Strong Lemonade in July 2010, in May 2011 we tried out some new flavours on the unsuspecting public - and after a very positive response we released our four new flavours - Lemon & Lime, Virgin Mojito, Blackberry and Elderflower.
It’s been 15 years since we first set out, and we have expanded in a way we could never have imagined.
Our Proper Strong Lemonade is still our star in it all, still making cheeks suck in at first taste! But we also have some newer flavours that are just as flavourful and just as much in demand.
In these 15 years so much has changed, but there are some things that will never change; our recipes. We still believe that if it cannot be made in a kitchen at home, then we avoid making it - real flavours, real ingredients. The taste and provenance of the products matter to us just as much today as it did when we first started out.
Not even a year in to making our drinks, we secured a factory with our very own bottling set up. The company is run day-to-day by Jonathan, with the additional assistance of his sister, Naomi, his mum, Sara, and his dad, Albert. Jonathan’s ever patient wife, Hannah, is always his constant support, along with the tiny cheers of his 3, soon to be 4, children. Samuel, Jonathan’s eldest gives the loudest cheer, after all, the company is named after him! This is a true family business with ethics in mind. We’re not in this for a quick buck, so we make sure that we make the best possible flavours that you’ll remember us by.
Jonathan - The Chief Fizzacist. The creator of Samuelsons Of Witney and Small Scale Bottling. The man with a ridiculous head full of useless knowledge - unless you want a drink made, then it’s pretty useful!
The Three Loudest Cheerers!
Chief Cheerer - Samuel
Cheekiest Cheerer - Matthew
Cutest Cheerer - Eloise
Newest Cheerer - * Name coming soon! *