The majority of our product is sold through trade outlets, both independent stores and multiples, from Michelin Starred restaurants to a supermarket chain.
We're a little different to some companies because we've had to forge our own path in an industry that told us we should never exist. Because of this we know that there are many things you don't like, and things that make you excited, and things that get the accountant excited, and things that make it worthwhile coming in to work today. We hope to be the best of these things and avoid the things that make you grumpy because that makes us grumpy too.
We know what sells, where it sells and the take up rate. This is the point where our experience comes in - we have no interest in selling you a mickey as we only want to build long term relationships with our partners and so we'd rather walk away from a deal than do you wrong.
“From deliveries in the middle of the night to the most incredible service, these guys are on it.”
Our points of difference
The Company:
We're NEW
We're here to be different to the 'big boys'
We have an ethical approach to our product, our supplies & our customers
We support local producers & business service providers
We're a small family run business – each customer is important to us
We're flexible – our sales methods, our product, in fact any way we work can be altered for the right opportunity.
We're a 'local' company, based in the beautiful Cotswolds
The Product:
Completely unique in the UK
Contains the essential 'Wow' factor that only a full & balanced flavour gives
Uses only fresh-pressed lemon juice
Contains the juice of 4 lemons in each 330ml bottle, and 10 in each 750ml bottle
The taste of 'real' lemonade – it's as good as, if not better than home-made, only carbonated & bottled
Contains no flavourings, preservatives, additives or anything 'from concentrate'
Uses only three ingredients – water, lemon juice & sugar (plus lime juice, mint etc for the various flavours). The flavour comes from the actual ingredients, not added chemicals or enhancers
Is made in small batches, each one tested by the owner to ensure perfect product
Is both Premium & Exclusive – a point of difference for any customer looking todifferentiate themselves from their competition
We are the exclusive company to use Blenheim Palace Natural Mineral Water – including the use of their corporate identity on our bottles
For Stockists
PSL uses a quintessentially British design that is both recognisable and different to thecompetition
Our smaller 330ml bottles are up to 25% larger than most other soft-drinks companiessingle serving bottles, offering extra value for money to the consumer
Profit – PSL is a profitable product.
Point of sale can be created for your individual needs
Tasting & sampling sessions are offered at no cost to the stockist – often attended by the company founder himself
“I just had some customers walk out and not buy anything because your products weren’t in stock. Can we get some more in a hurry please?””
We supply directly, as well as through distribution, so please contact us for details on how to order.